Visit to Cowpen Lodge 4824
Breaking news from our Senior Deacon Bro. Dr. Chris Tait as he visits Cowpen Lodge 4824, the first of 159 Lodges in his personal challenge to visit all the lodges in the Province of Northumberland. Read the first part of this epic journey:
Having joined the ranks of freemasonry some three years ago and visited a couple of lodges last year with fellow brothers of Lodge Temperance 2557 I felt it was high time to embark on a challenge of visiting all the lodges in the Province of Northumberland (not in a single year I might add!).
After some time invested in plotting a route through the 159 lodges within the Province of Northumberland it was Cowpen Lodge 4824 meeting on the first Monday of the month that I decided to visit first. Admittedly, I was rather nervous about visiting a strange lodge by myself, however I sent an email to the Lodge secretary and was informed a 2nd degree would be taking place and I would be very welcome. Cowpen Lodge meeting night was upon me and I arrived at Blyth Masonic Hall, and as luck would have it, the first person I was greeted by was none other than the Worshipful Master himself! Blyth Masonic Hall has recently undergone refurbishment and the temple looks fantastic!
The ceremony was fascinating, especially observing the subtle differences within the ceremony and more so as a past master sat alongside me giving me the history of the lodge. I shall be making a speedy return to Cowpen lodge whilst also continuing on my goal of visiting every lodge within the Province of Northumberland.
As a final note, my initial worry over visiting an unfamiliar lodge by myself was in the end quashed within the first two minutes of entering Cowpen Lodge as I was greeted with genuine masonic welcoming.
An impressive challenge. Good luck.
Good luck with visiting all of the Lodges Chris sounds like a lot of fun meeting different people around Northumberland. I bet there are some interesting lodges around the county!
Thanks Simon, lots to visit and see, looking forward to keeping everyone updated.