The Annual meeting held on the 15th October at the Masonic Temple in Corbridge Road, Byker was a great success attended by many members and visiting brethren. The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by the Worshipful Master. W. Bro Peter took the chair of the Secretary and W. Bro Eddie of Prince of Wales Lodge 2520 the Inner Guard,

WBro John Mcgregor Pescott, Past Junior Grand Deacon representing the RW Provincial Grand Master was admitted and saluted with three. W. Bro Pescott thanked the brethren for their fraternal salutations.

The Worshipful Master announced the death of one our Honorary members, WBro Alan Holden PPJGW who died peacefully at home, at 79 years of age, on 10th September 2013 after an illness bravely borne. The Worshipful Master attended his funeral on the 17th September. The WM also announced that WBro Alan M. Mawson, Past Master of this Lodge in 1982 died of cancer 3 months ago.  The brethren stood at the sign of fidelity in respect of Departed Merit.

In accordance with the proposal at the last regular meeting a successful ballot was taken by the brethren for W. Bro Alan B as a joining member of Lodge Temperance.

W. Bro Terry presented W. Bro Chris E to the installing Master, WBro Kevin , to receive the benefit of Installation. W. Bro Chris affirmed his support of  the Ancient Charges and Obligation and confirmed he was in possession of the sign, salutation, grip and word of an Installed Master. The Installing Master then placed W. Bro Chris in the chair and proclaimed him the Master of Lodge Temperance 2557 for the ensuing year. The WM was then entrusted with the Tools, Warrant, BoC and By-laws of the Lodge.

The WM then invested the IPM and appointed his officers. These are shown under “Officers” on this website.

The address to the Master was given by WBro Kevin , the wardens by W. Bro Tony, RGO, PGStB and that to the brethren by WBro Chris .

At the first time of rising Bros. Chris T. , Steven Sl. and Mike G. were presented to the WM to sign and receive their Grand lodge certificates. The Secretary announced the receipt of the UGLE quarterly communications for March, April and June;  the Freemason’s Grand Charity Notice of Annual Meeting  and Annual Report. The Annual Returns for Lodge Temperance have also been received and handed to the Treasurer for payment.

At the Second time of rising the Secretary announced that he had received from Provincial Grand Lodge the notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Richard Holmes Masonic Benevolent fund to be held on the 24th October 2012. This will be passed to the Almoner. The Secretary had received notice of the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge to be held 28th November 2013. Details are included on this website here. Also received the Provincial  Grand Lodge’s Summer Newsletter which was passed to the brethren to read.

At the Third time of rising the Treasurer proposed and Wbro Terry seconded that in accordance with the Notice of Motion at the last regular meeting the annual dues be increased by £3.  This was approved by the brethren.

The Secretary announced that he had received a letter of resignation from W. bro. Robert T, dated 17th July 2013. The Secretary read out a letter  received from the Secretary of the Newcastle East Masonic Temple Company.

Apol0gies for absence were received from Bros. Kevin D, Gordon , Amit , Andrew and W. Bros Keith , Wayne (secretary), Dave W and Bill (Tyler)

The WM thanked all who had taken part in the ceremony  and all who had attended. There being nothing further for the good of Freemasonry in general or Lodge Temperance in particular the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony.


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