Lodge Temperance 2557 is very pleased to announce that Provincial honours were confered on members of the Lodge at the Provincial Grand Lodge annual meeting held on the 28th November 2013.

Wbro Alan B., also of St Raphael Lodge no 6261  continues in his office of Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies for another year. Wbro Stuart M. also stays for another year as Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. Wbro Peter is appointed Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Wbro Dave W., a regular visitor, former member and Past Master of Lodge Temperance 2557 and presently Master of Alnwick Lodge no 1167 is promoted to the office of Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer.

Congratulations to all and thanks to Wbro Terry for his support at the meeting.

Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!



2 Responses to Provincial Honours

  1. Wayne says:


    congratulations on honours, and well done to all other members and past members of Lodge Temperance on theirs.

  2. PCW says:

    Thanks Wayne. It was a very interesting meeting, followed by a three course meal.

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