Photo Shoot
Hot of the press from our very own Wbro Keith Newman.
If you’d like to be featured in a pop up banner at the July 8th Tercentenary dinner then read on:
Dear Brother
As part of the Province’s 300 year celebrations, we are making pop up banners that will be displayed at the celebration event on July 8th.
I’m looking for a small number of masons to take part in a photo shoot for material for two of the pop up banners.
The first photo will show masons in their day clothes ie work wear or if you are retired, casual wear.
The second will show the same people in Masonic regalia within a lodge. It won’t be your standard group shot but will feature people in relaxed poses enjoying their masonry.
The pop up banner will be entitled something along the lines of “Can you spot the mason?”
Obviously, the second pop up would be entitled, “They all are”
So, if you fancy helping and are free on Wednesday 28th June at 10am till Noon at Morpeth Masonic Hall, I’d love to see you there.
Please arrive in your work clothes (if you wear uniform or trades wear all the better)
After this shot you will need to change into your Masonic regalia etc
I look forward to hearing from you with your availability.I can be contacted on 07814 397951 if you have any questions.Sincerely
Keith Newman
Lodge Temperance No 2557
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