October 2018 Installation Meeting
Brethren, our next meeting is on Tuesday 16th October and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 5.00.
Please note the earlier start time.
Items of business are:
To open the Lodge
To receive the Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
To confirm the minutes of the last regular meeting
To install the SWME
To appoint and invest the Officers.
To close the Lodge
The main event of course is Bro Chris Tait’s installation! He needs your support so please come along to share this occasion with him and your fellow Freemasons.
As you all know Chris has recently returned from an epic climb up Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for Josie’s Dragonfly Trust charity. He’s so far raised in excess of £5000. If you haven’t already donated then you can either use his just giving page or better still why not bring along a cheque or cash to the meeting. £5, £10, £20 or more!!
It’s going to be a very special evening and we hope you’re able to come along to share the occasion with Chris. Let us know you’re coming so we can finalize numbers and seating plan etc. Get in touch with Chris, Keith Newman or the treasurer.
Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557, if you can’t make it on the night please give your apologies to the Secretary and give as much notice as you can.
Subscriptions of £130 for the year commencing 1st October 2018 are now due. Please pay the Treasurer.