2025 Craft Meetings

Lodge Temperance meets on the Third Tuesday of the month six times per year during the months of January, February, April, June, October and December as follows:

21 January (Talk by Wbro Chris Tait)
18 February (Demonstration 2nd Degree)
15 April (TBA)
17 June (Elections)
21 October (Installation)
16 December (Festive Meal)

2025 Coach Meetings

Lodge Temperance holds coach meetings on the Second Thursday of the month as follows:

9 January (F&GP)
13 February (2nd Degree)
13 March (F&GP)
10 April (TBA)
8 May (F&GP)
12 June (Elections)
11 September (Fraternal Visit to Delaval Lodge)
9 October (Installation)
13 November (F&GP)
11 December (Festive Meal Planning)


W. Bro. K. Newman
Email: [email protected]