The Worshipful Master thanks all the brethren and visitors who attended the January regular meeting on the 21st and for making it such a success. Highlights were:

  • The Lodge was opened in due form.
  • A successful ballot was held for two new candidates
  • Charles, one of the candidates,  was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry.
  • The treasurer, presented the annual financial statement which was accepted by the Lodge
  • Bro Kevin D. signed his Grand Lodge certificate
  • The Lodge was informed of the resignation of the Junior Deacon, Bro Mike G.

The festive board after the meeting was a most enjoyable occasion, with a very tasty three course meal, good company and an enthusiastic rendition of the Entered Apprentice Song….Come let us prepare, we brothers that are, assembled on merry occasion, let’s drink laugh and sing…..!


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