Historic Updates
It’s always pleasing to hear from visitors to our website who find it both interesting and enlightening and take the time to get in touch. Some have even provided additional information for the biographies we have published on the website.
Founding member Bro Guy Hayler’s page has been updated with details of books presented to him in 1899. Bro Guy was a member of the Independent Order of Good Templars and served as their Grand Councillor for two years from 1897 – 1899 and in Easter of 1899 was presented with seven volumes of The Complete Works of John Greenleaf Whittier, Macmillan & Co., London, 1889. You can see the bookplate found inside each of the volumes here. Thanks to Roger W. Haworth the present custodian of the seven volumes for getting in touch with this information.
We have added a silver wedding anniversary menu card to founding member Bro Robert English Womphrey’s biography. Bro Robert was a also a founding member of Neptune Lodge No 2908 and a celebration of his silver wedding anniversary was held by Neptune Lodge at Wallsend Masonic Hall on January 30th 1914 at 7.30pm where an illuminated address and cake basket was presented to the couple. Robert became secretary of the Lodge in 1918 and remained in the office until 1946. You can see the menu card here. Many thanks to Robert’s great grandson John J. Hill for his input and the photograph of the silver wedding menu card.
Founding member Bro Morris Marks biography was particularly challenging to research as his family were mainly Jewish immigrants from Germany but thanks to the help of Gordon Rich and Lois Gilman we have been able to update Morris’s family history which you can see here.
Keep checking back for all the latest from Lodge Temperance 2557