Frederick William Simon
Bro. Fred’s death is reported in “The United Methodist”, the weekly journal of the United Methodist Church, of Thursday, June 16, 1927:
Mr. F. W. Simon, Salem, Newcastle-onTyne.
TYNESIDE United Methodism, and the Central Circuit in particular, has received a severe blow with the passing of our greatly loved and respected brother. The ordinary terms of reference to his qualities seem lacking in grip and sufficiency ; we are still in that hush of wonder at his sudden passing that makes reference and description difficult. He passed away, as he had lived, with word of encouragement to a friend. Our friend was preparing for morning business, and was about to leave the house, ” when God’s finger touched him, and he slept.” The news was received by the city and the circuits in amazed helplessness. Scarcely a warning that his health was not as it had been all his life of 67 years. It was singularly fitting that his last public attendance should have been the anniversary of the Sunday School he loved so much, and of which he had been superintendent for many years. Mr. Simon was the secretary of Salem, an office that had with him become-almost synonymous with the church itself. He was the treasurer of the Trust, a member of the choir, and an indefatigable worker in every other department of church life. As treasurer of the Tyneside U.M. Council he had served well. A prominent Freemason, he had thrice been Worshipful Master of the Lodge de Loraine, and held other offices as a mason. He was a very well known personality in commercial circles as senior partner in the firm of Messrs. John Aydon, city merchants.
Our brother was a son of the manse. We had the sad duty of reporting the passing of his sister in these columns only a few weeks ago, the late Mrs. Sarah Gillings, and we mentioned then the influence of their father, the late Rev. Joseph Simon, of the M.N.C. A sister, Mrs. W. Winkworth, and his elder brother, Mr. Frank Simon, remain of the family. Mr. Fred. Simon married the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Edward Watson, a prominent citizen and United Methodist of the city, and a Guardian Representative of the Connexion. His brother-in-law, Mr. J. G. Watson, was also a Guardian Representative. It will be recalled that Mr. Edward Watson died suddenly at Conference a few years ago, after addressing the Young People’s meeting. For many years our friend had lived with his sister-in-law, Miss Jane Watson, a highly esteemed member of Salem, and a devoted C.E. worker, who now mourns the loss of a dearly loved relative.
The interment took place on Friday morning at Heaton Cemetery in the family vault, when Rev. W. H. Bourne, with Revs. H. G. Absalom and Norman Green conducted the service. In his address by the graveside, Rev. H. G. Absalom spoke of the fine qualities of his friend, and testified to ‘the worth of one who for six years of his ministry had been a brother beloved. A large number of friends had gathered, including many Freemasons, who gave their last official respects to their ex-Master. Whilst the beautiful service was in progress a lark sang his sweet song in the sunny skies, and his singing brought comfort to those who noticed it.
Among the mourners were Mr. Frank Simon (brother), Mr. Leonard Winkworth (nephew), Mrs. Frank Simon, Miss Nellie Simon (niece,) Messrs. Edward and E. W. Watson, Mrs. L. Winkworth, Mrs. E. W. Watson, Mr. Percy Smith (partner), and many Salem friends. Messrs. Harry Benson and R. Norman, of Sandyford, were present.
On Sunday evening, at the memorial service, Rev. W. H. Bourne paid a fitting testimony to one who had taken upon himself many of the burdens of his church; and who never turned his back.