Fleetwood Lodge 3711
In January 2018, I (Bro Dr. Christopher Tait) journeyed to the Province of West Lancashire to visit Fleetwood Lodge N0. 3711. The reason for the visit was to see Bro. Langwade initiated into Freemasonry.
Fleetwood Masonic Hall
Fleetwood Lodge meets at Fleetwood Masonic Hall which is situated right on the North West coast, with the building dating back to 1847, originally a private house then becoming an orphanage until becoming a Masonic Hall in 1955 (you can read more about the history here).
Fleetwood Lodge 3711 was consecrated on 11th March 1914 and has recently celebrated its centenary and any Lodge which has been around over 100 years is steeped in history, this warrants a visit alone!
A fabulous first degree emulation ceremony was worked, with many differences to that of our Northumberland Rite practiced here in the Province of Northumberland. As with visiting many lodges, in the Province of Northumberland, whilst we all perform the same ritual, each Lodge has it’s own particular method or landmarks for conducting a ceremony. It is these peculiarities or landmarks which makes visiting Lodges such a treat. Of particular mention during the ceremony at Fleetwood Lodge 3711 was the North East Corner, something I had not seen performed in such a manner and is something which I’d like to introduce into Lodge Temperance. I’ll not divulge here as to what it was, if you’d like to know then I”d strongly suggest a visit to Fleetwood Lodge.
The festive board was a truly brilliant occasion, with fine dining and toasts aplenty, again a peculiarity with respect to the first toast, given the location of Fleetwood Lodge, which took me by surprise and as ever with Freemasonry, learned something new!
It was wonderful to be amongst friends and make some new ones and I’m looking forward to returning later this year to see Bro. Langwade raised to the Fellowcraft degree.
Very warm fraternal thanks to the Worshipful Master for personally inviting me as his guest, I look forward to a speedy return to Fleetwood Lodge 3711.
Keep checking back for all the news from Lodge Temperance 2557.