#EnoughIsEnough update
As part of the recent #EnoughIsEnough campaign, The Guardian has corrected an article which made misleading claims about Freemasonry.
The Guardian has amended the article originally titled “Two Freemason’s Lodges operating secretly operating at Westminster” on their website to remove a misleading impression conveyed by the original article.
This follows a letter to The Guardian , which you can read here, highlighting several inaccuracies and to clarify that the lodges mentioned do not operate in Westminster, their existence is not secret and that no MPs are members of New Welcome Lodge.
As a result of an investigation, the Guardian concluded that the article’s headline, standfirst and lede conveyed a misleading impression and corrected the inaccuracies. They also placed a correction notice at the bottom of the online article.
The Mirror has removed the article published on their website which contained the same inaccurate and misleading information about Freemasonry.
The Independent has also clarified the original inaccuracies reported in their article on the 5th February.
If you’ve been following the #EnoughIsEnough campaign about this totally inaccurate Guardian article regarding Freemasonry and are interested to know more about Freemasonry, get in touch here and we’d be happy to show you around Byker Masonic Hall and explain what we do and why.