Dates for June Meetings
Please add June 12th and June 17th to your calendar.
Lodge Temperance 2557 coach night is on June 12th at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7.00 p.m. All officers, past masters and master masons of the Lodge are invited to attend. We will rehearse a first degree for the benefit of our new officers. All brethren holding new positions should therefore make every effort to attend.
The regular meeting is on June 17th and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7.00 p.m.
Some items of business are:
To open the Lodge
To confirm the minutes of the last regular meeting
A first degree will be conferred
- The treasurer to propose an increase in Fees and Exclusions.
- To close the Lodge
Please give apologies for absence to the Secretary and give as much notice as you can.
- Please inform the secretary of any changes to your personal details such as your address, phone or mobile number, or email address, so he can keep the records up to date.
- Subscriptions for the year commencing 1st October 2013 are now well overdue. This is your last chance to pay before you are proposed for exclusion. Please contact the Treasurer.
- Contact details are on the reverse of the summons and on this website.
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As IPM of The St Anthonys Lodge, I feel that I am remiss in not having visited you.
I will put that matter right on the 17th of this month.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting. Promises to be a good night.