It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of another of our members.

Bro David Jackson died Thursday 16th February. The cause is as yet unknown although he has been in ill health for some time. Bro David who was 63, has not been attending meetings in recent weeks due to his health but was at our December social with his close friends Robert and Diane. Bro David had 22 years’ service as a Freemason with Lodge Temperance being initiated into the Lodge on 25th March 1994. He was invested with the Provincial Grand rank of PProvGStwd in November2012.

His funeral will take place at the West Road Crematorium at 2:00pm on 6th March and all members of Lodge Temperance and other Masons who knew him are encouraged to attend.


One Response to Bro David Jackson PProvGStwd

  1. Steve says:

    This is very sad news along with the news of Bro Gordon Newman. I unfortunately wont be able to make it to the funeral.

    With much sadness


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