Bro A C Messer
Bro Andrew Christopher Messer was a founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557 which met at the Masonic Hall, Shakespeare Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was the Junior Deacon of Tyne Lodge 991 at the time and become the first Tyler of Lodge Temperance.
Andrew was only with Lodge Temperance 2557 for a year, resigning in November 1896 after his year as Tyler, but went on to be a founding member of Wallsend Lodge No. 2703.
On March 21st 1904 Andrew and his family embarked on the S.S. Pretorian at Liverpool destined for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
He settled into life in Alberta, Nova Scotia and in 1908 became the organiser (founding member) and first Worshipful Master of Lethbridge Lodge 39 in Lethbridge, Alberta. Fortunately, they still meet in Lethbridge and have recently given permission to use a photo of Wbro Andrew.

In June 2024 a surprise email from a Canadian Freemason has led to the discovery of Bro Messer’s long-lost Lodge Temperance 2557 Founder’s Jewel.
The Jewel was returned to the UK by Canadian freemason RW Bro.Royston Colbourne, District Deputy Grand Master District 17 of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon.

You can read more about Bro Messer here
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