St Gabriel Lodge is fortunate to welcome Dr Ric Berman to deliver his Prestonian lecture ‘Foundations’ at their regular lodge meeting on 3rd April 2019. The lodge extends a cordial welcome to Brethren of the Province of Northumberland to attend the meeting and hear this lecture.
Continue Reading →Great to see a Freemason helping his local community. Proud that our Worshipful Master, Wbro Chris, is sponsoring a local school football team.
Continue Reading →News from our very own Almoner and Northumberland Widows Sons Secretary Bro Tom Stewart.
Continue Reading →We’ve added a short biography of Bro Alexander Robson a member of Lodge Temperance 2557 who served in the Great War.
Continue Reading →When a new candidate is presented with the Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason he is taught that perseverance is necessary to establish perfection.
Continue Reading →Congratulations to our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Jim who was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry at our regular meeting on Tuesday the 19th February 2019.
Continue Reading →The regular meeting held on Tuesday 19th was a fantastic evening and definitely a night to remember with many visiting brethren both old and new.
Continue Reading →The Worshipful Master would like to remind members of our coach meeting on Thursday 14th February at 7.00 when we will be doing a practice for a first degree.
Continue Reading →Another biography published of a member of Lodge Temperance 2557 who served with honour in WW1. Bro Andrew Friskin served as Engineer Lieutenant, Royal Naval Reserve, on HMS Changuinola.
Continue Reading →The January regular meeting was a great success with many members and visiting brethren in attendance.
Continue Reading →The Worshipful Master WBro Chris Tait would like to remind members of our January 2019 meetings.
Continue Reading →It’s amazing what shows up in the most unexpected places!
Continue Reading →A big thank you and Merry Christmas from Lodge Temperance 2557 to all of our members and to everyone who has visited and supported us this year.
Continue Reading →It was great so see 10 from Lodge Temperance 2557 at the Provincial AGM and meal at Gosforth Race Course on the 29th November and congratulations to all those brethren who received honours.
Continue Reading →The generosity of Northumberland Masons knows no bounds and continues to impress. Multiple donations have been received through Lodge Temperance and sent directly to Josie’s Dragonfly Trust, totalling more than £2,250. What an achievement.
Continue Reading →We are pleased to announce the completion of the biography of 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Dodsworth Rowe, another member of Lodge Temperance 2557 who served with distinction in the Great War.
Continue Reading →It’s that time of the year and we are planning our Christmas festivities. What better way to enjoy the season than a festive evening with the members of Lodge Temperance. Don’t miss our festive evening on Tuesday 18th December.
Continue Reading →They fought up to the last minute, but as the guns on the Western Front fell silent at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the world breathed a sigh of relief.
Continue Reading →Wow! Can’t believe the disparate occupation of members in our Lodge who served in World War 1. The latest is Bro Matthew Newton, a famous northern tenor and vocalist.
Continue Reading →Incredible evening at Lodge Temperance when our Senior Warden Bro Christopher Tait was installed as Worshipful master of Lodge Temperance 2557.
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