They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Our December meeting will be on Tuesday 17th with the earlier start of 6.30, followed by our fabulous festive celebration. What better way to celebrate the run up to Christmas than to enjoy amazing food, a festive setting, great entertainment and of course excellent company.
Continue Reading →An excellent video about the Freemasons of Northumberland.
Continue Reading →Just received from the Provincial Grand Charity steward:
I wish to bring you up to date regarding the Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) which will be held in the Province of Northumberland in 2020. All Festivals from 2021 will be for the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCE).
Continue Reading →Just received from Province a notice of their Annual Meeting which will be on Thursday, 28th November 2019.
Continue Reading →A history project by a Scout group in Newcastle has established links with Lodge Temperance 2557 which culminated with a visit to Belgium and Northern France to pay their respects to the group’s founder who fell in the Great War.
Continue Reading →Back by popular demand the Classic Car and Bike Show in association with the Northumberland Widow’s Sons Masonic Bikers Association and Benton Cat and Dog Shelter will be held once again at their Benton site.
Continue Reading →We were recently contacted by Maurice Long a member of the Unitarian Church in Ellison Place, Newcastle about our WW1 member Robert Weatherston Cairns.
Continue Reading →Some forthcoming events for the Northumberland Light Blues Club and check out their new website:
Continue Reading →It’s the Scarbrough Court summer fair on Saturday 20th July starting at 10.15. Pop along for a great family day out.
Continue Reading →Recently our Lodge Mentor WBro Kevin and his lovely wife Lynda had a very famous customer visit their fish and chip shop – K and L Fisheries in Annitsford – which had been transformed for one day into “Sea End Fish and Chips”.
Continue Reading →Byker Masonic Hall’s 2CC (2 chosen charities) team present this year’s 2CC Tyne Theatre Charity Show – a real fun-packed, value for money afternoon, starting at 1pm with over 3 hours’ worth of top entertainment.
Continue Reading →The Annual Model Rail Exhibition at Shiremoor Masonic Hall is a very popular event and this year it’s being held over the weekend of Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July.
Continue Reading →75 years to the day nearly 7,000 naval vessels landed 132,000 brave service personnel on the beaches of Normandy, many of those were Freemasons. We will never forget the fallen.
Continue Reading →To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings on 6th June 2019 we thought it appropriate to publish a list of the 43 brethren in Lodge Temperance 2557 who were occupied in National Service in the 2nd World War.
Continue Reading →Should any brethren be planning a short break in London which includes Friday 28th June 2019 they may be interested in attending this Festival Event.
Continue Reading →We’ve just published the biography of Captain Leonard Usher another of our members who fought in the Great War.
Continue Reading →A huge Lodge Temperance 2557 welcome to our newest Freemason Bro Neil Capstick who became a joining member at our regular meeting on 16th April.
Continue Reading →Cracking night at Lodge Temperance 2557’s April 2019 meeting. It was very well attended with lots of members and visiting brethren.
Continue Reading →A reminder Brethren a real 2nd degree at lodge Temperance tonight 16th April and a ballot for a joining member.
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