USA Mason visits Northumberland

On October 19, 2013 By


An old friend of Lodge Temperance 2557 made a flying visit to Northumberland recently to catch up with our brethren and to discover the North East’s talent for engineering marvels – particularly bridges. Breaking news by Wbro Keith.

W Bro James Anderson from Berea in Kentucky and his lovely wife Emily were looked after […]

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It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of our honorary brother, Wbro Alan Holden PPJGW who died peacefully at home, at 79 years of age, on 10th September 2013 after an illness bravely borne. Members of Lodge Temperance were represented at his funeral on the 17th September.

Throughout his Masonic […]

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October Annual Meeting

On October 8, 2013 By

A reminder that the regular and annual meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 will be held at the Masonic Temple in Corbridge Road, Byker on Tuesday 15th October at 7:00. Some items of business are:

To open the Lodge To confirm the minutes of the last regular meeting To receive W Bro John McGregor Pescott, Past Provincial Junior Grand […]

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October Coach Meeting

On October 8, 2013 By

This is a reminder that there will be a coach meeting on October 10th, 7:00 sharp at the Masonic Hall, Byker, Corbridge Road.  It is very importance to attend, as we are doing an installation in October. All members holding new positions should make every effort to come.

If you are unable to attend please give […]

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*New* WW1 Roll of Honour

On September 17, 2013 By

Just added to the Lodge Temperance 2557 website is the start of our WW1 Roll of Honour. Go to History and select WW1 Roll of Honour for an introduction. You can also select the details of members by name.

Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!

“…They died […]

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The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Newcastle Racecourse, High Gosforth Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne. NE3 5HP on Thursday 28th November 2013 at 3:00 prompt. Brethren to be seated by 2:30pm.

Installed Masters and Wardens of Lodge Temperance are reminded that it is their duty to attend the meeting. Master […]

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*Update* to dates of coach meetings

On September 2, 2013 By

Lodge Temperance 2557 website  has been updated to include the dates of 2013 coach meetings through to the end of the year. Go to “Meetings” and scroll down.

Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!

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September Coach Meeting

On September 2, 2013 By

This is a reminder that there will be a coach meeting on September 12th at 7:00 sharp.  It is very importance to attend, as we are doing a 2nd as well as an installation in October. All members holding new positions should make every effort to come.

If you are unable to attend please give your […]

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Updates to Website

On July 5, 2013 By

Lodge Temperance 2557 website now has a list of the past principal officers and the history of the Lodge banner! Go to History and select Past Officers or Lodge Banner. Take a look at the welcome page as its also been updated. Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!

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*New* Founding Members Added

On June 30, 2013 By

Lodge Temperance 2557 website now has a list of the founding members! Go to History and select Founding Members. Also includes a list of the lodge furniture donated by individual members. Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!

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*Updated* List of Past Masters

On June 30, 2013 By

Please check out the latest update to the Lodge Temperance 2557 website! The list of Past Masters from the Lodge’s consecration on Wednesday, 30th October 1895 has been updated to the present day. Go to History and select Past Masters.

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June Newsletter

On June 27, 2013 By

Lodge Temperance 2557

News Letter

Lodge Temperance has a new website up and running. Kindly designed and maintained by Bro Chris and input from our Treasurer W Bro Peter.

Please visit our website it is very informative

We have been missing a few of our members at our regular meetings, this maybe […]

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What is a Cowan?

On June 24, 2013 By

At a recent lodge meeting one of our Master Masons asked what is a cowan? This certainly caused an interesting discussion with varied opinions at the festive board!

So what is a cowan? It is first mentioned in the opening of the lodge. From the Northumbrian Past Masters ritual:

WM – Bro Junior Warden – […]

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Excellent June Meeting

On June 20, 2013 By

The regular meeting held on June 18th at the Masonic Temple in Corbridge Road, Byker was a great success attended by many members and visiting brethren.  Wbro Chris stood in for the Worshipful Master who is on holiday, Wbro Dave W for the Senior Warden, Wbro Keith N for the DC and at the very […]

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Lodge Temperance 2557 website now has a list of the current officers! Go to Officers. Keep checking back for all the latest news & events for Lodge Temperance 2557!

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Please check out the latest additon to the Lodge Temperance 2557 website! A list of Past Masters from the Lodge’s consecration on Wednesday, 30th October 1895 to 1994 is now on the site. Update to the present day coming soon. Go to History and select Past Masters.

Note that to date, of the 118 Brethren of  the Lodge […]

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Generous freemasons have helped a charity in their task of feeding the homeless and disadvantaged of Tyneside by charging an unusual admission price for their Northumberland themed social evening. . Breaking news by Keith Newman

September 23, 2010 — The kind hearted members of Lodge Temperance 2557, based in Byker, Newcastle asked their guests for […]

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Welcome to Bro. Steven

On April 24, 2013 By

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Steven who was initiated on 15th January this year. Bro. Steven lives in Ashington and works as a QHSE engineer. We welcome Bro. Steven to the lodge and look forward to his progress in Freemasonry.

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The Library and Museum of Freemasonry has added more than a century’s worth of periodicals to the web, giving researchers the chance to trace their kin and learn about the development of the world’s oldest fraternal organisation.

Set up in collaboration with King’s College London, the free facility comprises 75,000 scanned pages from a number […]

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