A reminder that the regular meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 will be held at the Masonic Temple in Corbridge Road, Byker on Tuesday 21st January at 7:00. Some items of business are:
To open the Lodge To confirm the minutes of the last regular meeting To receive W Bro Peter Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of […]
Continue Reading →This is a reminder that there will be a coach meeting on January 9th, 7:00 sharp at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker. It is very importance to attend, or give notice that you can’t, as we will be trying to practise a first Degree for the benefit of our new officers. All brethren holding new […]
Continue Reading →Please check out the three new biographies added to the WW1 Roll of Honour. They are for Driver William John Kerr and Private James William Snowball both listed on the hand written Roll of Honour and Lance Corporal George William Hope who is mentioned in the minutes of the 17th September 1917 but did not […]
Continue Reading →Fraternal seasons greeting to all members and visitors to Lodge Temperance 2557, and visitors to this website.
The Worshipful Master and Officers wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
The New Year promises to be an exciting one for Lodge Temperance with a visit in January from an overseas member, […]
Continue Reading →In October we provided information on the Masonic Meeting Finder website service which unfortunatley appears to have been discontinued. It’s back to using a search engine if you want to find that Lodge near your destination.
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Lodge Temperance 2557
News Letter
All, at Decembers meeting we will open and close the Lodge and then retire to our Christmas white festive board. Please can you advise us if you are attending and how many places you want. Partners and friends are more than welcome to the festive board. Tickets will […]
Continue Reading →This is a reminder that the December regular meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 will be held on 17th December 2013. The Lodge will open at 7:00 sharp and close after the normal business is completed. This will be followed by a festive three course meal for members, their Ladies, family, non-Masonic guests and visitors. There is entertainment […]
Continue Reading →Exciting times at Lodge Temperance 2557 as it moves into the 21st century with its very own facebook page.
It’s easy to see. Just go to the top of this web page, click on the facebook icon and you’ll be taken to our new facebook page. Click here first to try it then click “Like” […]
Continue Reading →This is a reminder that there will be a coach meeting on December 12th, 7:00 sharp at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker. It is very importance to attend, or give notice that you can’t, as we will be practising a first Degree for the benefit of our new officers. All brethren holding new positions should […]
Continue Reading →The Provincial annual meeting was held in Newcastle Racecourse, High Gosforth Park, Newcastle upon Tyne on Thursday 28th November 2013 and was attended by several Brethren from Lodge Temperance 2557.
The full details of the meeting will no doubt be made available on the Province’s website very soon but items of particular interest to the […]
Continue Reading →Lodge Temperance 2557 is very pleased to announce that Provincial honours were confered on members of the Lodge at the Provincial Grand Lodge annual meeting held on the 28th November 2013.
Wbro Alan B., also of St Raphael Lodge no 6261 continues in his office of Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies for another year. Wbro Stuart […]
Continue Reading →More good news for the Lodge Temperance 2557 website! A new feature has just been added. You can now leave comments on this “News & Events” page.
To leave a comment click on the “LEAVE A COMMENT” link under the title of the post and you’ll be taken to the comment form. Fill out your details, do […]
Continue Reading →Great news! Our website has just received Provincial Grand Lodge approval and is proudly displaying the PGLN approved logo at the foot of each page. We are now listed on the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland’s website which you can see here and we have made the latest news which you can see here. In his […]
Continue Reading →If you’ve explored our website you’ll know that we recently came across a long forgotten WW1 Roll of Honour stuck to the back page of a minute book and are researching the members of Lodge Temperance who are listed. You can check out the latest by clicking on History then WW1 Roll of Honour or […]
Continue Reading →Breaking news from WBro Steven Little of Grainger Lodge 7261 and Faraday lodge 4852.
Under the Bridge is a registered charity, No 1142592, which provides services to over 100 homeless and vulnerable people in the North East with the main focus being the Newcastle Upon Tyne Area.
As the weather is deteriorating by […]
Continue Reading →This is a reminder that there will be a coach meeting on November 14th, 7:00 sharp at the Masonic Hall, Byker, Corbridge Road. It is very importance to attend, as we will be practising a first Degree for the benefit of our new officers holding new positions . All members holding new positions should make […]
Continue Reading →The Lodge has learned of the passing of WBro Alan M. Mawson, peacefully at home in Cramlington following a long illness with his family present on the 14th June 2013, aged 80 years. WBro Alan was a Past Master of this Lodge having occupied the Chair of King Solomon in 1982.
At the Annual Meeting of […]
Continue Reading →If you’re out and about, perhaps on holiday or on business, and want to visit a local Masonic Lodge, you’ll know how difficult it is to find what’s on and where. Using a search engine can help but an easier way is to try the Masonic Meeting Finder website here which is an initiative […]
Continue Reading →There will be a White Table Evening after the regular meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 on 17th December 2013. The Lodge will be opened at 7:00 sharp and closed after the normal business has been completed.
Member’s guests should plan to arrive around 7:30 to dine at 8:00. Dress: smart casual.
This White Table evening […]
Continue Reading →The Annual meeting held on the 15th October at the Masonic Temple in Corbridge Road, Byker was a great success attended by many members and visiting brethren. The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by the Worshipful Master. W. Bro Peter took the chair of the Secretary and W. Bro Eddie of […]
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