W.Bro Bob Thompson

On February 5, 2015 By

The Lodge has just been informed that W bro Bob Thompson suffered a heart attack last night (Wednesday 4th February) and is presently in Wansbeck Hospital. The medical staff are hoping to move him to the Freeman in the next day or two.

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February 2015 meetings

On February 3, 2015 By

Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded to add the February meeting dates to your diary.

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Welcome to Bro. Andrew

On January 24, 2015 By

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Andrew McGregor who was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry on the 20th January 2015.

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W. Bro Morris Marks

On January 20, 2015 By

Morris Marks was a notable member of the Newcastle Jewish Community and prominent Freemason and co-founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557. He was also co-founding member of several other Lodges. His biography has been added to this website

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January 2015 Meeting

On January 14, 2015 By

Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there is a regular meeting on January 20th 2015 at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp. We will be initiating a new candidate . If you are unable to attend, it’s important to let the DC know.

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Meeting update

On December 28, 2014 By

Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there is a coach meeting on January 8th 2015 at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

On December 18, 2014 By

Fraternal seasons greeting to all members and visitors to Lodge Temperance 2557, and visitors to this website.

The New Year promises to be an exciting one for Lodge Temperance with a new candidate to initiate in January, a Provincial visit in February when we will be passing two members to the second or fellow craft degree with […]

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December 2014 Social

On December 18, 2014 By

The Worshipful Master and officers would like to thank everyone who came to the Lodge Temperance 2557 Christmas social evening on Tuesday and for making it such a success

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Coach Meeting 11/12

On December 11, 2014 By

Brethren of Lodge Temperance are reminded to attend the coach meeting at the Byker Masonic Hall at 7:00 Thursday December 11th. A first degree will be practiced. Apologies to the DC.

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Provincial Annual Meeting

On November 28, 2014 By

Several members of Lodge Temperance 2557 attended the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland annual meeting at the Gosforth racecourse on November 27th.

We are very pleased to announce that two of our members received Provincial honours, W bro Stuart McBean was re-appointed Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and W bro Allan Bell re-appointed Provincial […]

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W bro. Robert Womphrey

On November 22, 2014 By

W bro. Robert English Womphrey was a prominent Newcastle and Wallsend Freemason, co-founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557 and our first Secretary. His biography has been added to our Founding Members.

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L Cpl Thomas William Petrie

On November 22, 2014 By

Lance Corporal Thomas William Petrie is another of our forgotten WW1 heroes. A casualty of the War, he was evacuated to England for medical treatment. His biography has been added to our WW1 Roll of Honour.

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WW1 Roll of Honour update

On November 12, 2014 By

The biography of Private James Maghie Black in our WW1 Roll of Honour has been updated. James suffered gas wounds in 1917, probably during the third battle of Ypres.

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Lodge Coach – November 13

On November 7, 2014 By

Lodge Temperance 2557 coach meeting at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7.00 p.m on Thursday November 13th 2014.

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Christmas Meeting 2014

On October 31, 2014 By

Come and join us for a great evening at the Lodge Temperance 2557 traditional Christmas meal on Tuesday December 16th 2014. This is a regular meeting night so the Lodge will open as usual at 7:00 sharp and close after normal business is completed. Then the fun will start with a three course Christmas dinner, entertainment […]

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Busy Annual Meeting

On October 25, 2014 By

A very busy but successful evening at the Annual meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 on Tuesday 21st October with a 3rd degree and the installation of the Master Elect for a further year. Thank you to all the visiting Brethren.

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Annual Meeting October 21st

On October 18, 2014 By

Ambitious evening at Lodge Temperance 2557 Annual Meeting on Tuesday 21st October with the raising of Bro Charles Tudor and the installation of Master elect W bro Chris Emmerson for a further year. The WM will do the complete 3rd degree ceremony.

Looking forward to welcoming the Provincial rep W bro J. Campbell and all […]

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October Meetings

On September 23, 2014 By

The 9th October and 21st October are two very important dates! Lodge Temperance 2557 coach night is on 9th October and the Annual meeting is on 21st October.

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Provincial Annual Meeting

On September 8, 2014 By

Details of the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge have been announced by the Provincial Grand Secretary.

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Lodge Coach – September 11 2014

On August 31, 2014 By

If you haven’t done so already, please add Thursday September 11th to your diary. This is for the Lodge coach meeting at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7.00 p.m. All officers, past masters and master masons of the Lodge are requested to attend.

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