Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there will be a coach meeting on Thursday June 11th 2015 and the regular meeting on June 16th 2015 both at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp.
Continue Reading →Bro Joseph Ellison, Royal is another of our forgotten war heroes. He was a Freemason, member of Lodge Temperance 2557, a merchant Seaman and an Engineer Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy. You can read his biography here.
Continue Reading →We have just added another short biography. W. Bro. Andrew Christopher Messer was a Freemason and founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557. You can read his story here.
Continue Reading →On Monday, The Freemasons’ Grand Charity donated £50,000 to the Red Cross following the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal last weekend.
Continue Reading →Back in 1994, Salem Lodge No 1443 wrote to Lodge Temperance enclosing some Masonic effects of Bro James Cuthbert, images of which have been added to the website. Bro James was Master of the Lodge in 1911.
Continue Reading →Two of our members, Wbros Peter and Terry, recently made the short journey to Low Fell, Gateshead to collect the Masonic regalia of our late Bro. Russell Spooner PProvGStw.
Continue Reading →Thanks to the Brethren and visitors who attended the regular meeting on April 21st and made it such a success. Here are just a few of the highlights.
Continue Reading →A great new development on the Lodge Temperance 2557 website. We’ve added a new feature called “Miscellany” where we’ll be putting items of Masonic interest not directly related Lodge Temperance.
Continue Reading →We have just added a short biography of W. Bro. William Bell. A Freemason and founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557. You can read his story here.
Continue Reading →More good news for the Lodge Temperance 2557 website! Several pages have been updated and new ones added.
Continue Reading →2nd Lieutenant Walter Winkworth’s biography has been updated to include information recently found in the journals of the United Methodist Church and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Electrical Engineer’s WWI Roll of Honour.
Continue Reading →Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there will be a coach meeting on Thursday April 9th 2015 and the regular meeting on April 21st 2015 both at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp.
Continue Reading →If you’ve ever strolled through your local cemetery or perhaps looked at the graveyard of a village church you may have noticed Masonic symbols on some of the older headstones. We have now created a special page for the photos of these headstones.
Continue Reading →Without the early minutes it is difficult to pinpoint the exact date of the first occurrence of the Lodge’s Latin motto NISI FRUSTRA DOMINUS.
Continue Reading →A recent visit to the Library of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland proved very successful in finding several items relating to the early days of Lodge Temperance 2557.
Continue Reading →Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there will be a coach meeting on Thursday March 12th 2015 at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp.
Continue Reading →The Worshipful Master and Officers of Lodge Temperance thank all who attended the regular meeting on February 17th 2015 and helped make it such a success.
Continue Reading →The Lodge’s approved By Laws are dated 17th October 1983. An attempt was made to update them on 21st Jan 2010 when the Lodge moved from Fern Avenue to Corbridge Road but this was unsuccessful. Although the change of location was approved, by law 6 was rejected as being non compliant on 17th December 2012 […]
Continue Reading →Bro. Guy Hayler was a prominent temperance advocate and political reformer, Good Templar, Freemason and co-founding member of Lodge Temperance 2557 and our first Senior Deacon. You can read his story here.
Continue Reading →A very successful 2nd degree practice last night (12/02/2015). Very well attended for a coach, even Bro Simon attended to go over his questions before passing. Fingers crossed it’ll be as good on the 17th in front of our Provincial visitors.
Keep checking back for all the latest news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557
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