Congratulations to Wbro Keith Newman our Chaplain for his 30 years in the Craft this year. Wbro Keith was initiated into Freemasonry and Lodge Temperance 2557 on 28th February 1986 and was Master of the Lodge two times in 1992 and 2000. For Provincial Rank in the Craft he was appointed Past Provincial Grand Superintendent […]
Continue Reading →We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Steven Nelson who was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry at our regular meeting on Tuesday the 19th April 2016.
Continue Reading →The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) was launched on 1st April. United Grand Lodge of England advises that there will be no real change in the support available
Continue Reading →On behalf of all brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 we wish Her Majesty the Queen a very HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY !
Continue Reading →Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557, our next regular meeting is on Tuesday 19th April and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7:00pm.
Continue Reading →A Newcastle residents association is better connected with the World Wide Web thanks to the generosity of a world wide fraternal organisation.
Continue Reading →Byker Masonic Hall is delighted to announce the launch of their brand new website.
Continue Reading →Over the past two years UGLE’s Membership Focus Group has reviewed several aspects of Freemasonry and surveyed the opinions of members. We are the ideal first choice to start your journey in Freemasonry.
Continue Reading →Our next regular meeting is on Tuesday 16th January and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7:00pm.
Continue Reading →UGLE book of constitutions rule 168 limits the conferring of a degree to no more than two candidates on the same day, but in the early 1900’s Lodge Temperance 2557 routinely performed a degree with up to five candidates and on occasion multiple candidates with two degrees.
Continue Reading →If you have read the Winter 2015 edition of “Freemasonry Today” you will know that Grand Lodge is aiming to modernise the face of Freemasonry.
Continue Reading →Another memorable meeting for Lodge Temperance 2557.
Continue Reading →Thursday 14th January and Tuesday 19th January are two important dates for your diary!
Continue Reading →Very pleased to announce the addition of the biography of petitioner and founding member Bro Samuel Ferguson Davidson a prominent Builder and Contractor.
Continue Reading →With the release of the membership registers 1751-1921 from the collection of the United Grand Lodge of England held by the Library and Museum on the Ancestry website, we have updated the biographies of our Founding members.
Continue Reading →Fraternal seasons greeting to all members and visitors to Lodge Temperance 2557, and visitors to this website.
Continue Reading →Wow what a cracking night out at the Lodge Temperance 2557 traditional Christmas meal on Tuesday 15th December.
Continue Reading →During a recent visit to the website of the Library and Museum of Freemasonry we discovered that they have the original Founder’s Jewel of Lodge Temperance 2557 founding member Bro Lewis Forsyth Allan.
Continue Reading →Several members of Lodge Temperance 2557 attended the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland annual meeting at the Gosforth racecourse on November 30th.
Continue Reading →Membership registers 1751-1921 from the collection of the United Grand Lodge of England held by the Library and Museum has just been released on the website.
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