Welcome to Bro Tom

On October 24, 2016 By

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome joining member Bro Tom Oliver who was successfully balloted for at our annual meeting on Tuesday 18th October 2016.

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October 2016 Installation Meeting

On October 10, 2016 By

Brethren, our next meeting is on Tuesday 18th October and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 6.30.

Please note the earlier start time.

Visiting Brethren are invited to join us on this unique evening to witness the installation of the SWME […]

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Bro George Shyfler – Alien Enemy

On September 4, 2016 By

During our research into the Lodge Temperance members who served in the First World War, the registers record two members with the words “alien enemy birth interned”. To try and understand this further our research looked at one of these members, Bro George Shyfler.

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September 2016 Coach Meeting

On September 4, 2016 By

Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there will be a coach meeting on Thursday September 8th 2016 at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 8.00.

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Masonic Grave Stone

On August 10, 2016 By

Another gravestone with a Masonic symbol has been added to our Masonic Miscellany collection. One of our members was on a day trip to Holy Island and came across it in St Mary’s Church graveyard.

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The Grand Ball

On August 7, 2016 By

On Saturday 30th September 2017, Freemasons’ Hall in Great Queen Street, London, will be transformed into the venue for The Grand Ball. This will be the highlight of the social calendar for the Tercentenary celebrations, but will also be an opportunity for Brethren of any rank, and from all Provinces and Districts, to be present at one of the official UGLE celebrations with their families and friends.

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Documentary about Freemasonry

On August 1, 2016 By

Byker Masonic Hall and Lord Collingwood Lodge No.3246 has recently had the honour of being used by a Sky TV documentary team for their new four part programme – Inside The Freemasons.

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Keep up to date

On July 24, 2016 By

You can now have the latest news delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to the website.

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Team Calibre vs. Cancer

On July 18, 2016 By

Bro Steve Nelson, a keen Freemason and member of Lodge Temperance 2557, has raised more than £2000 for charity by cycling from Seahouses to Newcastle.

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Wbro Noel W. Tulip

On July 13, 2016 By

The Lodge has just been informed of the death of Wbro Noel W. Tulip who was a member of Lodge Temperance 2557 for more than 30 years.

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Founder Bro Hugh Morton

On July 3, 2016 By

We are very pleased to announce that we have just added another short biography of a founding member Bro Hugh Morton. He was a member of Newcastle City Council for 49 years and a magistrate for 39 years. He was also Deputy Lieutenant for the County.

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Welcome to Bro Graeme

On June 29, 2016 By

Congratulations to our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Graeme Cumberland who was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry at our regular meeting on Tuesday the 21st June 2016.

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Enjoy the Summer

On June 28, 2016 By

Another memorable meeting for Lodge Temperance 2557 on 21st June 2016!
Enjoy the summer and see you at our next meeting when we will be installing the Master Elect, appointing officers, performing a 2nd degree and balloting for a joining member. A busy meeting where you will be assured of a very warm and fraternal welcome.

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Tyler Wanted

On June 9, 2016 By

Brethren, if you’re a Freemason and live in the Newcastle upon Tyne area and are free on the third Tuesday of the month, six times a year and would consider being a Tyler for Lodge Temperance 2557 then please get in touch.

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June 2016 Meeting

On June 9, 2016 By

Brethren, our next regular meeting is on Tuesday 21st June and the Worshipful Master asks you to attend the duties of the Lodge at the Masonic Temple, Corbridge Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne at 7:00pm.

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Founding Bro. Robert Henderson

On June 1, 2016 By

We have just added another short biography for founding member Bro Robert Henderson, a master mason from St. Bede’s Lodge 1119 and our first chaplain.

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Tarsett Street Tragedy

On May 16, 2016 By

We have been informed of a Church Service to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Tarsett Street Tragedy.

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Bro Charles

On May 10, 2016 By

It is with sadness that we report the death of Bro Charles Tudor’s father on 15/04/2016.

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Masonic items of interest

On May 9, 2016 By

On a recent trip to Whitley Bay we took a look around St Paul’s Church and graveyard and discovered a grave with a the Masonic square and compasses and a wall plaque in the church.

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Congratulations Wbro Alan!

On May 9, 2016 By

Wbro Alan Bell our Senior Warden travelled to London on the 27th April to attend the Annual Craft Investiture and Grand Festival at the United Grand Lodge of England’s Freemasons Hall where he was invested with Grand Rank.

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