Officers and Brethren of Lodge Temperance 2557 are reminded there will be a coach meeting on Thursday April 9th 2015 and the regular meeting on April 21st 2015 both at the Masonic Hall, Corbridge Road, Byker, 7.00 sharp.

The Worshipful Master requests all officers and members of the Finance and General Purpose Committee attend the coach meeting on the 9th as we will be interviewing a new candidate after which the F&GP meeting will be held. Please make every effort to attend or let the DC know of your absence. If time permits we will also do a final run through of the 3rd degree ceremony.

The Worshipful Master also requests all officers and brethren attend the regular meeting on the 21st when Bro Simon will be raised to the sublime degree of a master mason. We will also review the proposed amendments to the Lodge’s By Laws.

Please keep checking back for all the latest news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557


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