Thanks to the Brethren and visitors who attended the regular meeting on April 21st and made it such a success. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Bro Simon Bough was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a faultless ceremony performed by the Worship Master and assisted by Wbros Terry and Kevin.

Bro Charles signed his Grand Lodge Certificate.

WBro Keith proposed and WBro Peter seconded a new candidate as a fit and proper person to be initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry.

The Lodge By Laws were finally approved by the Brethren and will be submitted to Provincial Grand Lodge for their approval.

The Brethren approved a donation to the Northumberland Mark Masons Charity in honour of the late WBro Allan Holden in accordance with the wishes of his widow.

Looking forward to our next meeting on June 16th, when we will be raising Bro Andrew to the sublime degree of a Master Mason and electing the officers of the Lodge.

Keep checking back for all the latest news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557.


2 Responses to April 2015 Meeting

  1. Simon Bough says:

    Thanks to all for the hard work and support during my Degrees. It made it very personal and special for me.

  2. PCW says:

    Thanks Simon for being such a great candidate. We’ll have to get your photo for the website at the next meeting

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