A visit to CITO Lodge 9650
Brethren of Lodge Temperance may remember something special when a first time visitor performed a piece of ritual during the initiation of Bro Steve Nelson.
At the end of the ceremony, Wbro Ian Henderson was invited to give an explanation of the degree from the ritual of his mother Lodge. A very welcome addition to Bro Steve’s 1st and something not seen before at Lodge Temperance.
Recently WBro Ian invited Bro Chris Tait, our SWME to CITO Lodge. Company of Information Technologists (CITO) Lodge 9650 meets at Bakers Hall in London. A modern building in the heart of London, not only the meeting place of CITO Lodge but also that of the Worshipful Company of Bakers, one of the oldest City of London Liveries, with a history dating back over 800 years.
The visit to CITO Lodge was to witness a first degree ceremony and Bro Chris reports what a truly fantastic ceremony it was. With almost every seat filled, the meeting commenced and highlights of the evening were a splendid first time delivery of the Charge by the Junior Deacon, and a marvellous rendition of the tracing board by the Senior Deacon.
Visiting is an integral part of being a Freemason; the opportunity to get out within the Province and meet new friends, spot the subtle and sometimes not so subtle differences in the ceremony, enjoying each others company.
One of the wonderful aspects about visiting, is you never know who you might bump into and this visit was no exception, with the RW Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence being in attendance.
After the ceremony Bro Chris had the opportunity to discuss with the Deputy Grand Master the importance of visiting not only within your own Province but to other Provinces as well.
Get out and visit, you never know who you might bump into!