Gaining a few pounds during the year may not seem like a big deal. But these pounds can add up over time and with high blood pressure, cholesterol and the start of sleep apnoea Bro Steve Nelson, a keen Freemason and member of Lodge Temperance 2557, knew it was time to make some life style changes. Rather than join a gym or go walking Bro Steve bought himself a bike and after persevering through the aches and pain over several months he lost 4.5 stone. As the old adage goes – no pain, no gain and today his blood pressure and cholesterol levels are back to normal and no apnoea and he’s even stopped snoring according to Bro Steve’s wife Karen!.

Having achieved his weight loss goal, Bro Steve wanted to maintain his fitness and continue cycling and what better way than to cycle for charity and raise money. Sadly, Bro Steve lost his father to Leukaemia in 2011 after a seven year battle with the disease, so he chose a charity close to his heart, the “Bright Red”, a charity established to improve the lives and treatment of people in the north who are dealing with blood cancer.

Some weeks ago Bro Steve’s company Calibre and the North Tyneside Riders assembled a team to ride for Bright Red. On July 10th “Team Calibre” consisting of 14 cyclists took part in a team event called the big red ride from Seahouses to Newcastle. Their aim was to raise £500 for the charity but today the total stands at over £2000, an amazing success.

After the ride, Bro Steve said “I am genuinely moved and grateful for every single penny more than you will all ever know, and as words are all I have I’d like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. The money you have all pledged will help someone directly in the North East struggling with this awful disease.”

Lodge Temperance 2557 has made a donation and it’s not too late for you to help this worthy cause.  Even if it’s only £1 you can donate through JustGiving. Your details are safe with JustGiving and once you’ve donated they’ll send your money directly to the charity.

Congratulations to Bro Steve and team Calibre.

Keep checking back for all the latest news from Lodge Temperance 2557.


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