Another memorable meeting for Lodge Temperance 2557 on 21st June 2016!

Despite several key members being absent and a last minute shuffle of officers, it was another great meeting and successful 1st degree to Lodge Temperance’s usual high standards. The ritual was performed faultlessly by the Worshipful Master Wbro Chris Emmerson in it’s entirety who also did the tools and charge. A huge thank you to our visitors and in particular WBro James Irving, Faraday Lodge no 4852 who took the place of the Senior Warden and for the purpose of opening, WBro Malcolm Cowley, St Anthony’s Lodge 4423 who to0k the place of the Junior Deacon. This was WBro Malcolm’s first visit to Lodge Temperance and we hope he enjoyed the ceremony and festive board and returns soon.

Wbro Tony, Reporting Grand Officer, presented Wbro Alan Bell, Senior Warden in honour of being invested with the Grand Rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. WBro Alan Bell PAGDC was saluted with three and was congratulated by the Worshipful Master.

A very warm and fraternal welcome to Wbro Bob Thompson, PProvJGW of Lord Warkworth Lodge no 1879 a former member and Past Master on his being made an honorary member of the Lodge for his many years of service and attendance.

A warm and fraternal welcome to Bro Graeme our newest member on being initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry. Congratulations Bro Graeme on your first step in Freemasonry and we look forward to your progress in Freemasonry.

Enjoy the summer and see you at our next meeting when we will be installing the Master Elect, appointing officers, performing a 2nd degree and balloting for a joining member. A busy meeting where you will be assured of a very warm and fraternal welcome.

Keep checking back for all the latest news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557.



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