Another memorable meeting for Lodge Temperance 2557!

Despite several key members being absent and a last minute change in degree, it was another great meeting and successful 2nd degree to Lodge Temperance’s usual high standards.

Regrettably, the candidate to be initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry was unable to attend due to work commitments, but fortunately, our new initiate, Bro Colin was prepared and ready to answer the questions before passing which he did without hesitation or fault. Well done Bro Colin!

WM Chris took ill at the last minute (we wish him a speedy recovery!) so Wbro Terry Keddy took the Master’s Chair at very short notice.

With the assistance of Wbro Peter, who did the signs and Wbro Kevin, who did the South East corner, Bro Colin was passed to the second or Fellowcraft degree in a perfect ceremony.

Congratulations to all the officers who did an outstanding job at such short notice. Special thanks also to Wbro Eddy of Prince of Wales Lodge for standing in as Junior Deacon on the night.

Keep checking back for all the latest news from Lodge Temperance 2557.


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