2nd Lieutenant Walter Winkworth. Photo Courtesy of the IET Archives

2nd Lieutenant Walter Winkworth.
Photo Courtesy of the IET Archives

2nd Lieutenant Walter Winkworth, 5th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, died of wounds on the 26th August 1915 at 32 years of age and his remains are buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.

Walter was a member of Lodge Temperance No 2557 and is listed in the Lodge’s Roll of Honour. He was an Electrical Engineer and was initiated into the Mysteries and Privileges of Ancient Freemasonry on the 17th December 1906, passed to the second or Fellow craft degree on 15th April 1907 and raised to the Sublime degree of a Master Mason the following month on 20th May 1907.

His biography has been updated to include information recently found in the journals of the United Methodist Church and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Electrical Engineer’s WWI Roll of Honour. Links to the United Methodist Church obituaries of his father, Bro Walter Albert Winkworth and Uncle, Bro. Frederick William Simon as well as to the IET Roll of Honour have been added.

You can read Walter’s updated biography here.

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