We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newest Entered Apprentice Bro Simon Bough who was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry on the 17th June 2014. Bro. Simon lives with his family in Westerhope and is Managing Director of ICT North providing I.T. support to education and business. Check out his website here

We extend a very warm and fraternal welcome Bro. Simon to Lodge Temperance 2557 and look forward to his progress in Freemasonry.


2 Responses to Welcome to Bro Simon.

  1. Simon Bough says:

    Thank you to all brothers who attended my First Degree, it is a great honour & privilege for me to enter in to The Ancient Craft of Freemasonry. I look forward to being a worthy and honourable member of Lodge Temperance.


  2. PCW says:

    Welcome Simon, you will be a great asset to the Lodge

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