29th May 2014

Dear Brother  Grand Officer/Secretary /Scribe E,

United Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter have confirmed that the Investiture of V W Bro John James Craigs will take place on Wednesday September 3rd 2014 at the Newcastle Racecourse, High Gosforth Park.

The programme is expected to be as follows:

11.30 am – Investiture and Installation of the ME Grand Superintendent

1.30pm – Lunch in the Gosforth Park Suite

3.30pm – Investiture of the RW Provincial Grand Master

These timings are of course provisional and further details and application forms will be available shortly.

Please circulate this information to as many of the Brethren /Companions as possible,

VW Brother Craigs would appreciate the support of  the Brethren/Companions on this very important day in the Province of Northumberland,

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Brian Rudd

Provincial Grand Secretary/ Scribe E


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