The hand written sheet taped at the end of the Lodge’s minute book that covers the period of the First World War is entitled “2557 Roll of Honour”. It lists 14 names, ranks and service, plus one whose boat was commandeered by the Government. These were all members of Lodge Temperance 2557.

A careful review of the minute book and the registers of the lodge has revealed thirty three other members who served in the war but are not listed on the hand written Roll.  We can only speculate why they were omitted.  A few were no longer subscribing members when the Roll was prepared, perhaps a few chose to be left out for personal reasons or maybe were left out by mistake but for most there appears no obvious reason.

These names have now been included in our WW1 Roll of Honour page and short biographies will be added in the coming months. Hopefully, we will find information for them all.

You can find our page here or click on the WW1 Roll of Honour link above.

Keep checking back for all the news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557


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