The regular meeting of Lodge Temperance 2557 held on Tuesday 15th April was very enjoyable with our new Entered Apprentice being passed to the second or Fellowcraft degree. A challenging evening for our Director of Ceremonies with several officers sending last minute apologies due to injury or unexpected work commitments, but he rose to the challenge and the ceremony went off without a hitch. Past Masters and visiting brethren are invaluable at times like this!

The Worshipful Master announced the death of one of our honorary members, Bro Russel Spooner. His funeral was attended by several members of Lodge Temperance and his family was presented with his 50 year certificate. The Brethren stood at the sign of fidelity in respect of departed merit.

A successful ballot was held for our new candidate who had been interviewed and found suitable. He will be invited for his first degree at our next regular meeting in June.

Keep checking back for all the latest news and events for Lodge Temperance 2557.




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