Lodge Temperance 2557 Jewel

Lodge Temperance 2557 Jewel
Proudly worn by W Bro Kevin Mason


It is the custom in many Lodges to present a new Past Master with a jewel which he may wear proudly while he continues to be a member of the lodge. Ownership of the jewel remains with the lodge and arrangements should be made to return the jewel on his leaving so it can be passed on. Three of Lodge Temperance Past Masters who are still in the Lodge are proud to wear jewels which date back many years, having been worn by several Past Masters.

We know that the Lodge Temperance Jewel was considered at the first regular meeting of the Lodge held on November 18th 1895 and a design by founding member, Bro. Lewis Forsyth Allan, was adopted. Unfortunately we don’t have a record of how many were commissioned but do know that most are missing today. A note in the minutes of the Past Master’s meeting held on 27th October 1952 mentions that the Jewel of founding member W Bro Marks was presented to the IPM, W bro James Baikie Jr. There are no other references to Lodge jewels evident in the minutes.

With so many Jewels missing, the Worshipful Master has asked that every effort be made to find them. He is therefore asking any past Masters or past members of Lodge Temperance to kindly return them or let us know of their whereabouts.

We routinely check auction sites but have so far drawn a blank and we are also investigating the purchase of new bespoke jewels.

Calling all Past Masters and past members of Lodge Temperance 2557! We would be happy to collect and if anyone has any other information please let us know.



2 Responses to Missing Lodge Temperance Jewels

  1. KEVIN MASON says:


  2. PCW says:

    Nothing yet but it’s early days.

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