2020 Festival
Just received from the Provincial Grand Charity steward:
I wish to bring you up to date regarding the Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) which will be held in the Province of Northumberland in 2020. All Festivals from 2021 will be for the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCE).
The RMBI offers care and support for older freemasons and their families, and has 170 years. It provides a home for 1121 people across England and Wales. This can nursing care, dementia support or limited sheltered accommodation. The average resident is 89, one is 108 and there are 55 residents over the age of 100.
We in Northumberland received from the RMBI during the last 12 months £201,613 to cover the cost of 15 brethren or their partners who are residents at Scarborough Court.
We also received from the MCF a further £277,155 to help 167 brethren or their families.
182 is the largest number of people in one year we have ever helped.
We need about £500,000 each year to look after Brethren and their families
within our province, and from 2009, the date of our last festival to 2020 we estimate we will have received from the Masonic Charities to help people in this province £4.6m. You will appreciate how important it is that we raise as much as we can for our 2020 festival.
The Provincial Grand Master thanks all the brethren who are supporting the 2020 festival. To date we have raised £2.5m. Anyone wishing to be credited with the payment for the festival should do so by 30th April 2020. The Festival will take place at the Grand Hotel Gosforth Park on Saturday 3rd October 2020. Further details to follow.
I you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely and Fraternally
W. Bro. M. David Edward Auld PAGDC
Provincial Grand Charity steward
E Mail [email protected] M 07752769210