Welcome to Lodge Temperance 2557 which meets at the Masonic Hall in Corbridge Road, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne. Extending warm fraternal greetings to you all from Lodge Temperance which is 130 years old in 2025 and still going strong.

Early in 1895 a small group of brethren concerned at the amount of revelry and drinking in Masonic lodges, discussed the possibility of forming a new lodge. They agreed that a petition should be presented to Grand Lodge for a warrant to form a new lodge named Lodge Temperance, the lodge would not have intoxicating liquor at any of its meetings. The petition was successful and the Lodge was consecrated at a meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on the 30th of October 1895 in The Grand Assembly Rooms by the Right Hon. Sir Matthew W. Ridley, Provincial Grand Master and Bro John Gibson installed as Master.

The Lodge went from strength to strength and at its 21st birthday in 1916 had 232 members. Over time though, the support for temperance faded and membership declined, so in an effort to reverse the trend a ballot was taken in 1973 to allow the consumption of intoxicating beverages at Lodge meetings. The motion was carried on 16th April.

Temperance at our meetings is now a thing of the past and today, we are a small friendly Lodge in the Province of Northumberland whose membership might be found with an intoxicating beverage at the festive board and social evenings.

Please explore our website and if you’d like to know more about Freemasonry or are thinking of becoming a Mason then check out our frequently asked questions.

Brother – if you’re looking for a new Lodge or would like to visit please contact us.

Temperance Meetings

Temperance Meetings

Lodge Temperance 2557 holds Craft meetings on the third Tuesday of the month during … read more

Get In Touch

Get In Touch

We’d love to hear from you and if you would like to arrange a visit or if you’re thinking of becoming a Mason please contact us.

Latest News

Latest News

Read about the latest news from Lodge Temperance and find out about upcoming events … read more